Samantha Eneli's Evaluation

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
My media product uses similar forms and conventions to real life media products because the story revolves around a killer on the other side of a phone call and this is a commonly known plot structure, used in a lot of thrillers. We have also used a number of different shots and angles such as P.O.V (made famous by Alfred Hitchcock) and medium shots. This creates elements of suspense and tension and the P.O.V shot highlights the fact that the character is being watched.
           However, I believe our media product challenges conventions of real media products in terms of characters and race. In thrillers it is usually the black character who is killed first, however in our media product there are two other black female characters, one of them who may also die but this is left for the audience to decide. Furthermore, black characters usually do not play a central or main part in a thriller; a white character usually dominates this role.
            Lastly, my media product uses similar forms as other media products because of the music used. It’s very eerie and creates suspense, which is what we were aiming for.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?
Our media product consists only of teenagers and they they portray some aspects of character representations. However they do not fit the usual stereotype of teenagers in films, which associates them with sex, drugs and violence. Instead, Alex the main character is quiet and keeps to her self. She doesn’t have many friends so could possibly represent the ‘outsider’ stereotype of some teenagers and two other female characters in the film present a naive attitude, a popular personality trait for teenagers.
Furthermore because Alex is a black female she does not fit the stereotype as loud and violent since this is how black people are sometimes portrayed.
            Our media product also represents women in a way they are usually portrayed in thrillers; the victim, almost like a damsel in distress, as she is in need of help however there is no one to save her.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
I would like our media product to be distributed in cinemas but before this can happen our product would require more work in order to improve the quality of it. A lack of high tech production equipment and a big enough production team means our film remains too low budget to be shown in a cinema. Instead, it will be distributed on the Internet because it is a cheap and more efficient way to do this. Also many teenagers use the Internet so distributing this way would gain the film recognition and thus increase the target audience.

Who would be the audience for your media product?
The target audience for our media product will be teenagers because from our market research we found that they are more interested in thrillers than any other age group and watch them most. We also found that they enjoy watching thrillers because of the violence and suspense in the scenes.
We have rated our film a certificate 15 because we think this is a suitable age for our film. The violence in the film would not be suitable for someone as young as 12, for example, therefore rating it a 15 seems like the most appropriate choice.

How did you attract/address your audience?
We attracted our target audience by using only teenagers in our film. In our opening scene, it revolves around only teenagers which allows the audience to know that this is what the film will be about and involve. By using teenagers in our film it will appeal to our target audience because the characters represent their age and possible personality traits. Audiences like the idea of relating to characters so the fact that we have used teenagers will encourage our audience as they are teenagers themselves. Another way we attracted our audience was posting the film on popular social networking sites such as Facebook and it was also put on Youtibe.These sites are widely used by thousand of teenagers so presenting it on them will aid in attracting and addressing the target audience.
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
During the process of constructing our media product I learnt that cameras and media software can be quite difficult to work with. It is hard getting the right camera shots and angles in order to create a scene and portray the right mood. The type of shots and angles used determine how our audience will interpret the film and characters so getting them right was very important. We had to make sure the film was interpreted in the right way, this meant portraying scenes and characters in the appropriate way. Music played a big part in this as this is what sets the mood in a film, including creating tension and adding suspense.  making sure our continuity was right was also hard because this is what makes scenes flow and make sense of one another. We lacked alot of it and the beginning of the process but after carefully viewing our film several times and re filming we managed to get it right. One important thing I learnt was what software to use when constructing certain aspects of my film such as Adobe Premiere Pro CS4. This software was dominantly used throughout the process when editing, adding music, importing and exporting files, so learning how to use it was very beneficial.

Looking back at the preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
I feel I have learnt how to use various camera shots and angles, as well as being aware of how to edit a film correctly. This involves using continuity, adding music and special effects such as slow motion.
Furthermore, I am now aware of how to export and import files with certain software such as Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 and photo booth. My understanding of how to attract a target audience has increased including what it involves in order to make a film successful. For example, Conducting market research is very important because you need to know what is going to appeal to your audience. After doing the research I know what teenagers look for in a thriller film and why they enjoy watching them. It's important to make sure your characters can relate to the audience as this keeps them interested in the film.

Alex Eneli's Evaluation

In what ways doe your media product uses develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Ways in which my media product is similar to conventions of real media products is through my use of camera angles e.g. I used a POV shot to show the character was being watched to give a eerie feeling and to portray suspense which is found in practically all thriller movies.
Also my movie uses forms of real media conventions through its use of special effects such as slow motion, which gives the feeling of tension. However my movie challenges the forms and conventions of Thriller movies as usually the black person is the person that gets killed first in thrillers but this is not the case in my movie as there is another black character, or, you don’t get any other ethnic groups in thriller movies at all (especially as the main character)
My movie is also like other thrillers, because of the music used in it, it is very dramatic and it sets the scene, to show that something bad is going to happen.
Also the plot of my movie is similar to real thrillers because there is a murderer who is watching their next victim which is seen in pratically all thrillers.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?
My media product represents teenagers through my character Alex as she is portrayed as being anti social, which is the stereotype of teenagers however she is not potrayed as being violent, hanging around in gangs wanting sex and drugs which is the general stereotype of teengaers, as my character is calm and quiet and the same with Sarah and Samantha’s characters.
In addition my media product represents women as being the victims; the character Alex is being attacked, and she cannot fend for herself and it also portrays women as being of  lower power and that men as having all the power.
However my media product doesn’t really represent the particular stereotype of black people as black people are seen as loud, rude and violent but that is the complete opposite in my media product, especially with my character Alex who is quite conservative.

What kind of Media Institution might distribute your media product?
I would like a movie cinema to distribute my movie but that it unrealistic because my movie is a low budget and amateur movie so i would have to start of by putting the movie on the internet i.e websites like youtube and facebook. This way it would be free and accessable to the target audience and if it is seens as popular .e.g. as as having a million views, cinemas may start to take an interest in it and show it in their cinema making it even more accessable to a wider audience, resulting in alot of money being made. Th en once it has been played in the cinema it may be able to be released on DVD  which would mean our company would make extra money and those who were unable go to the cinema to watch the movie would then get another chance to do so.
Who would be the audience for your media product?
The audience for my media product is teenagers, therefore the BBFC rating would be a 15 to allow as many of our target audience to be able to watch the movie, as if it was an 18 then onm ly a small amount of our target audince would be able to watch it, as a result exlcuding all teenagers 17 and under.

How did you attract/address your audience?
I know that Teenagers like to see violence such as people getting killed which I incorporated into my media product to grab the audience’s attention and teenagers like to see other teenagers in thrillers which my media product has. Also audiences like there to be suspense as at the end of the media product you don’t know if Sam’s character survives or not. In addition to attract my audience I know teenage boys like to see young girl’s so I added that to my media product so more people would be encouraged to watch it. Also, at the beginning i did a questionaire to see what teenagers like to see in thrillers which helped to tell me what was vital for making good thriller to attract my audience so they would want to watch the movie.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
The things I have learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product is how to edit which includes adding music, special effects, cutting and inserting sounds. I did most of the editing of my movie on Adobe Premiere Pro CS4.
I also learnt how to record sounds, which I had to use for the sound of the voice from the phone call using garage band which could change the tone of a voice such as making it squeekier or deeper, which was the first time I had ever used this program and I learnt how to insert my movie into face book and YouTube which allowed my movie to be distributed to my target audience on a large scale.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
Looking back at my preliminary task from the progression from the full product I feel I have learnt how to get continuity as before in my film there was no continuity and now I realise how important it is. I have also learnt all the different camera angles there are and its importance e.g. extreme long shots set the scene. I also learnt the important aspects of thriller movies such as suspense and how music can give a scene a certain feeling. In addition  I learnt to always use a variety of camera angles when filming and to get closer to a character when something important is being said. Lastly I learnt the importance of organisation.e.g putting all documents in one folder, as it makes finding things much easier and stops important things from getting lost. Also from using a calender it hepled me to oraganise my time more efficinetly and get stuff done quicker.

Sarah Utulu's Evaluation

  • In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of media products?

The media product that I have produced with my group is similar and also different from typical thriller movies. It is similar in the way that it consists of a lot of suspense and music that creates tension. The movie we made also consists of the typical murderer on the phone storyline which you can find in many thriller movies. We also used Alfred Hitchcock's famous point of view shot which is used in many thrillers.But, we went against typical thriller movies in the way that our main character is a black teenage girl. We rarely see black females as the main character. However, the main character is a female we still follow the concept of wanting the female to be the last survivor.

  • How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our media product goes against and also follows typical social groups. Normally women are seen as less powerful which we have shown in movie by the main female getting killed and the low angle shots of her when she is on the phone to the voice. This shots make her seem small and nothing compared to the voice who is most probably a male.Teenagers are normally represented as loud, anti-social, naive and rude. The main character in our movie goes against these stereotypes because she is quiet and does not seem to be rude. But, she does seem to be anti- social as she has no friends. Later on in our opening scene we see that the two other characters act rudely and naive which follows the typical stereotypes of teenagers.

  • What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The ideal place we would like to distribute our media product is in a cinema but this is not possible so, our media product will first be put onto Youtube. This is because it is low budget so therefore we cannot afford to put it into the cinema. Our movie may get many views on Youtube and in this case we will then release an improved version into the cinema to make as much money as possible.

  • Who would be the audience for your media product?

The target audience for this movie will be teenagers. This is because teenagers seem to be more interested in thriller movies. This may be due to two reasons. The first reason is that thriller movies consist of a lot of killings, deaths, suspense, and tension which they may find interesting and fun to watch. The second reason is that thriller movies normally star teenage character which teenagers might enjoy. This may be because they are similar to their age so they feel like they can relate to them and put themselves in their postion which adds to the thrill of the movie. The film rating of our movie is 15. We decided to make our movie a 15 to attract as much people and if we made the movie an 18 minimal amount of people will be able to watch the movie.

  • How did you attract/address your audience?

To attract our target audience we interviewed them before we filmed our movie and asked them what they would like to see and what their favorite type of thriller is. They said they most enjoyed psychological thrillers so we made our movie a psychological thriller and they also said that they enjoy watching people get killed which we also put into our movie, along with a suspense and tension.  

  • What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

From the process of constructing our media product we have found that cameras and media software can be harder to work with than anticipated. But, we have also learnt that certain programs can be very helpful when making a movie. For example Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 helped us edit our movie and Garage Band helped us record the voice of the murderer in our movie. As well as being able to edit our movie Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 also allowed us to add special effects and text. We have also learnt Celtx which helped us stay organised by making storyboards.

  • Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

I feel that we have learnt how to do better continuity to make our movie look better and more complex.  We have also, progressed in terms of camera shots and angles. The camera angles used in our preliminary coursework were simple whereas in our full product we used much more complex shots and angles. For example going from a long shot , to a medium shot and then to a POV.  We have also learnt to oraganise out work to save time and money.

Aj Tonight - Evaulation Video

Questionnaire Template

Below is a questionnaire we designed to give to our target audience in order to see what their views were on our film. The questions were designed based on what some of our targets for the film were. For example, we wanted to make sure the film was scary by creating suspense using various horror music. Which is why one of our questions asks about the suspense in the film and whether there was enough.

Facebook Response

We posted our video on facebook to attract our target audience and to get response and reviews on our film.

The Voice - As Media Coursework

Podcast 3- Issues with filming

Fifth day of editing

Written by Alex

For editing we edited everything making sure the continuity  was right.
We added special effects such as slow mo and fade to white.
We added music and inserted a scream and telephone ring in oder to get the continuity right.
Our movie was now finished  :)

Fifth day of filming

Written by Alex

For filming we were filming the whole of the first scene. We added a shot of the house to emphasise that someone is looking at it.We made sure the there was continuity especially when Alex picks up the phone to when Alex was running through the kitchen by filming extra by filming extra bit we didnt need, such as Alex running until she was out of the cameras view and then filming the same thing from another viewpoint and then cutting the shots we didnt need. By the use of continuity we found that our scenes flowed and looked more professional. Also we made sure the lighting was good.Lastly we did the second scene of Samantha and when Samantha and Sarah say bye. Altogether filming was much better.

Fourth day of editing

Written by Samantha

Today we did editing from what we had filmed. We managed to edit everything but there was a problem with the lighting as everything was too dark so it was unusable. We also lacked continuity. For example Alex's head would be turned and in the next scene she would be facing the camera and we would not have shown her turning.
However the scene with the POV shot in the bushes was fine and the scene with Sarah was good as well. Also the shot of the TV had lines on it so we had to insert a episode of Eastenders so that was the TV shot done.

Fourth day of filming

Written by Alex

On our 4th day of filming we had to re-film Sarah speaking when walking down the street because it was too shaky. Also I had to re-do the the part where Sarah and Samantha are saying bye but we were unable to do that scene as Samantha forgot her folder.
Then it was on to filming the first scene. We had to film the phone scene where I answer it and the part where I run into the kitchen.
We had to make sure the lighting was good and lastly we filmed an extra bit which was POV shot of the voice walking through the bushes.

Third day of editing

Written by Sarah

The third day of editing was when I edited the filming we had done of Alex getting murdered by the voice.
The first shot that had to be edited was the point of view shot. When I edited this we decided that the camera was too still and if we wanted to look realistic we would have to have the voice breathing, moving and maybe see his hand pull away the bushes in front of him.
As I edited the rest I realised that our footage once again lacked continuity. There were parts where Alex would have her hand on her face one minute and it would be gone the next. We also found that there was very poor lighting when Alex ran into the kitchen. So we decided that there were many bits we would have to re-film.
But one part that we found was very good were the final point of view shot of Alex running to lock the front door and the shots of the phone ringing with the unknown number on the screen of the phone.   

Third day of filming

Written By Sarah

The third day of filming was our first day of filming the scene where Alex gets killed by the voice. This scene had to be filmed when it was dark so we met at 5:00 to set up and then waited till it was dark. We filmed this scene in the dark because this makes the scene scarier and adds suspense. 
Samantha and I did the filming on this day and struggled with a couple of shots and angles. But, we made sure we had a variety of different shots and angles. This part makes up a large amount of our opening scene so took us quite a while to film.

Second day of editing

Written By Alex

The second day of editing was when Samantha edited the footage that we re-filmed. Although we found that the footage was much better we also, found problems with it too.
One problem was that there was a lot of shaking because I had to walk with the camera as Sarah and Samantha walked which was hard. We also found problems with continuity. For example Samantha and Sarah went from walking to standing still in the next shot showing no continuity. So we decided to re-film certain parts of this last scene. 

Second day of filming

Written by Sarah

The second day of filming was when we decided to re-film the final part of our opening scene which had to be redone due to a lack of camera shots and angles.
While filming this time we went through the scene many times making sure Alex filmed Samantha and I from a variety of angles and shots so we would have more to work with when we edited this part. After filming the scene a couple of times the cameras batteries died but, by this time we had done enough filming. 

First day of editing

Written by Alex

On our first day of editing we began by uploading all our footage onto the computer from the camera we used. After this we then changed all the videos to “.Mpeg” they were imported to a software called Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 and begun editing.We managed to edit everything in a short amount of time. But, when we looked over what we had edited we realised that we had not used enough camera and angles and shots. We needed close ups during important parts and a variety of other shots too.

First day of filming

Written by Samantha
For our first day of filming we decided to film the final part of our opening scene. This part is when Samantha and Sarah are walking down the street talking about my character being killed by the voice.  Due to the weather our filming was delayed because we had to wait for the rain to stop before we started filming.
When we started filming we filmed the majority of the scene from a medium shot of Sarah and Samantha’s conversation before changing to a long shot of just Samantha walking to her door. The filming we did on this day did not take up much time, so after about 20 – 30 minutes we finished.


INT. house late evening

POV shot into house and back of girl sitting on sofa.

Full shot of Alex sitting on sofa watching t.v. Her phone then rings showing an unknown caller, Alex rejects call and nervously looks around house. Phone rings again and Alex picks up.





(Breathes heavily)



Hello... This is the third time this week. Stop calling me!


Now, now Alex. Don't be rude. Why'd you look so scared?



How do you know my name? and I'm calling the police.


I've been watching you Alex and I'm coming for you.

In a frantic movement Alex throws phone down on sofa. She runs to lock all her doors while The Voice is watching her. The voice is in house and creeps up behind her and as she turns around POV shot shows The Voice killing her,




Cut away shot shows blood on wall.

EXT. Afternoon OUTSIDE

Sarah and Samantha are walking home from school and talking about Alex's Death.


Did you hear about that girl that was killed last night by some psycho?


Yeah, pretty scary. I only lived down the road from her.


Really? so did you talk to her?


Nah, I didn't you know. Never really noticed her. Poor girl. I don't even think she had many friends.



Awww. Kinda sad.


Anyway, life goes on.



That's true. Well, I'm coming up to my house so I'll see you tomorrow at school.


Alright, Bye.



Samantha walks up to her house and as she approaches the door, her phone rings. The phone shows an unknown caller. Samantha answers phone.

End of scene


We made our storyboard to use as a guide as to what shots and angles to use and to keep us organised. We used a program called Celtx to make our storyboard.

Master Catalogue

We also made to master catalogue to allow us to know all the aspects and characteristics of our characters and to know all the props that we needed to use.We used this as a form of organisation.   


                  We made a calendar to keep us organised and to save time when filming and editing. We used this as a form of organisation.

Planning brainstorm

We came to the decision to make a psychological thriller movie after interviewing our target audience. From the interview we found out that teenagers like psychological thrillers, violence suspense and tension. We then watched scream and were inspired so we used certain aspects from scream to make it similar to other thriller movies.

Explanation of programs used

One of the programs we used was photo booth, to make our two pod casts, one of which introduced our production company and the other explained the issues, ideas and problems we have encountered so far. We also used this program to take a profile picture for our blog. We have also used a program called Celtx, which we used to make a practice script and to see how a storyboard should look. The last and most used program is Adobe Premiere Pro CS4. This was used to edit our coursework videos.

By Samantha 

Sound/music - What types of sound/music might you find in thrillers ?

In a thriller we would expect to hear mostly be non diegetic music. This is because it adds suspense to the movie making it more interesting and harder to look away at certain parts.Non diegetic sounds are sounds that the characters in the film can't hear but the audience can. 

By Sarah.

Lighting - what kinds of lighting are there in thrillers?

When researching lighting we decided to use the lightings that would make our movie scarier and increase the amount of suspense. In thrillers you get high key and low key lighting. If high key lighting is used, it gives the idea of well being and safety whereas low key lighting gives the feeling of secretiveness and suspense.

By Alex 

Low key lighting

High key lighting

Editing - What kinds of editing might you find in thrillers

In thriller movies slow motion may be used to put emphasis on a certain scene. You may also, get cut away shots and a black and white effect may also be used. Cut away shots create suspense and tension and the black and white effect is used to show a flashback. Dip to white and black may also be used for thriller movies

By Sarah.

Black and white 

Camerawork - how does camera work help to tell stories

We researched camera shots and angles and decided on a couple that we may use for our movie. Camerawork helps to tell a story by the certain angles and shot that are used. For example if you have a close up of someone it shows that their main character or at least an important person in the movie. Also the type of camerawork used helps to show the different levels of power of characters and the way a scene is looked at is important. An extreme long shot to set the scene.

By Alex

Close up 

Extreme long shot 

Theme - What are the stories generally about

Thrillers are generally about mind games, stalking and someone trying to kill another person, hence the victims. There is usually a kidnapping present and often you have people trying to seek out revenge, usually the villain.

By Samantha

Podcast 2 - Issues/problems/ideas/concepts raised by brief

Description of how your research will affect your film

From interviewing people we found out what people like to see in thriller movies such as violence, suspense and tension, so we would encorporate these factors in to our film in order to meet our target audiences expectations. From our demographic data we found out that our target audience are teenagers so the main characters of our film will be teenagers which allows the audience to relate to the characters.

Description of findings from Interview

From the interview we have found that our target audience’s favourite type of thriller is psychological. We also found out that they like this type of thriller because it is interesting and they like to see people having their minds messed with.  

By Sarah.

Interviews of target audience

Demographic data describing the target audience of thrillers

Thriller demographics
As you can see, the following demographics show that thrillers are most popular with the under 25s, while the over 50s also enjoy watching thrillers. This will therefore help in deciding our target audience for our psychological thriller as we can see which age group most watch thrillers.

By Samantha

Description of various types of thrillers we have studied

 Types of Thrillers

We researched different types of thrillers and found a variety including :

Horror Thriller – Consists of a main character(s) that faces physical, mental or emotional pain. The main characters may be facing a superior force and may become victims or already are victims. An example of a horror thriller is Saw.  


Erotic Thriller – Consists of erotica and thriller and has been popular since the 1980’s. An example of an erotic thriller is Basic Instinct.

Crime Thriller – Consists of robberies, chases and shootout. There may be successful or unsuccessful crimes in a crime thriller. An example of a crime thriller is Godfather.

Psychological Thriller – The main character(s) are messed with emotionally and mentally rather than physically. An example of a psychological thriller is Phone Booth.

The Godfather

Action Thriller – Can be classed as a race against time thriller. Consists of many guns and explosions and the protagonist(s) and antagonist(s) are obvious. An example of an action thriller is James Bond.

Golden Eye 007

Techno Thriller – Focuses on military action and technology is described in detail. Technology is also, made essential to the readers or audience understanding the plot.

By Sarah

Alex preliminary coursework

Sarah- preliminary coursework

Samantha- preliminary coursework

Description of the coursework

In our group we will be making the opening scene of a psychological thriller. It will be called the VOICE. It will be based around a girl who keeps receiving calls from unknown person who eventually gets killed.

By Alex

Podcast 1