Third day of editing

Written by Sarah

The third day of editing was when I edited the filming we had done of Alex getting murdered by the voice.
The first shot that had to be edited was the point of view shot. When I edited this we decided that the camera was too still and if we wanted to look realistic we would have to have the voice breathing, moving and maybe see his hand pull away the bushes in front of him.
As I edited the rest I realised that our footage once again lacked continuity. There were parts where Alex would have her hand on her face one minute and it would be gone the next. We also found that there was very poor lighting when Alex ran into the kitchen. So we decided that there were many bits we would have to re-film.
But one part that we found was very good were the final point of view shot of Alex running to lock the front door and the shots of the phone ringing with the unknown number on the screen of the phone.